From all his numerous aquatic inventions the most notable invention was the scuba gear. As mentioned previously he was a military engineer and his job was to create ways for his military to have the upper hand in war. Due to the city being surrounded by water, a majority of the attacks on the city were done by boat. Da Vinci had the inconceivable idea of sending a man underwater with a specialized suit that would allow him to breath underwater and pierce holes in the hulls of enemy boats. The Venetian army thought this idea was absolutely absurd and wanted absolutely no part of it due to it being virtually impossible. Nonetheless Da Vinci wanted to observe his suit in action. Unfortunately the Venetian army ended up driving back the enemy before the underwater invasion could be staged. Da Vinci’s detailed drawing demonstrated a man with a suit that seemed as if it could be used in and out of the water. The suit contains regular clothing, goggles, a mask and an assortment of weapons. His earliest designs contained a makeshift air bladder. This is essential to note considering it was said that it inspired the air …show more content…
As previously mentioned he lives near the water which lead to a multitude of water based inventions such as the highly primitive version of the alarm clock. Plenty of people say that a considerable part of Da Vinci’s success was due to his unusual sleeping habits. Rather than sleeping 8 hours and staying awake for 16 like nearly all people did, he would use the polyphasic sleeping method. This consisted of napping for half an hour every 3 and a half hours. A large number of the writings found in Da Vinci’s Codex manuscripts show the passion he had for the time therefor Da Vinci pioneering the clock is no surprise. Da Vinci had several designs including the sand clock, his most popular design was the water based version with his integrated wake-up system he had created. The operation of this clock was surprisingly simple. Based on his drawings, an alarm would be triggered as soon as a set amount of water would fill into a reservoir. Once it was full, the container would overflow and dump into another container which was attached to a system of pulleys and levers which would then throw his feet into the air waking him up. The science behind this system was not very complex, but did require an understanding of space and motion. It was imperative that he study the various flow patterns of the water and its natural course when released from various heights