Cleveland police officers, exactly one hundred officers was involved in a high speed chase that ended with the death of two civilians that was unarmed. The law enforcement agency began chasing Timothy Russell, and his passenger Melissa Williams who probably was terrified and, couldn’t possibly understand what they had done wrong to be being chased by these officers. The officers thought they had heard a gunshot come from the car of Timothy Russell as he passed by the court house building. The officers also had witnesses that also felt they heard a gunshot come from the car of timothy Russell as he drove by the court house building, but it was his car back firing.…
There has been many cases over the years for people around the US who have been falsely accused of crime and spent months or years of their life wasted in jail because they’re being falsely accused. In the first article Andre Wallace vs Kristen Kato, Andre was only fifteen when this trial happened but, because he was still a minor he was in juvie until he was legally an adult, which in Illinois that is age eighteen. In the second article, two girls falsely accused after mother killed. Two daughters, their brother and mother were in an accident in Mexico facing serious injuries while dad was in the United States.…
A witness told KCEN's sister station 12News that a woman was in the waiting room of a medical office. When she reached into her purse to pull out some paperwork, a gun fell out of her purse causing it to discharge. The round went through a wall and hit another patient in the hip. Bobby Pressley was in the waiting room when it happened. "Everyone was sitting in the waiting room and there was a gun shot.…
Around 11:30 that day, Sister Marthana called the Greenlease home to ask of Bobby’s mother. As the teacher talked to Bobby’s mother, she realized the information was false. Mrs. Greenlease, Bobby’s mother quickly called her husband and told him to rush home. When Mr. Greenlease arrived home, they notified the police chief in Kansa City. As the police heard the news, they quickly called the FBI.…
The child goes to school upset and crying, because she doesn't have her school items. The mother has to go to the school and explain what happens when Keon do this. She referred to him as her psycho kid. The mother stated that the child is also mean and picks at his 15 year old brother. After an altercation at home between the 18 year old and her 15 year old son, the 15 y/o stated, "that if his brother comes after him one more time…
Introduction Suicide continues to be prevalent on a world-wide basis. Statistically speaking, 1 million people kill themselves each year which is the equivalent of about one person every 40 seconds (James & Gilliland, 2015). Working with clients who may be potentially suicidal is a challenging job for any skilled professional. Counselors are still struggling to understand suicide, to assess it in their clients, and to properly classify what suicide risk level their client is at presently. Case Description…
There are dark corners in every mind. We keep our basest of desires in those corners. We rarely act upon them as they are abominable in modern society. Our morals and empathy keep us sane and for lack of a better word, human. There are people that roam our world who lack these basic abilities to function in society.…
Information 1. First person point-of-view 2. Mia, Adam, Mom, Dad, and Teddy 3. I liked this book because its whole conflict was around something totally different then what most authors would have chosen. It leaves you confused about what Mia might choose and gives points from both options.…
While Crooks was upstairs reading his favorite book, California Civil Code of 1905, his dad called for him from downstairs. “Boy, stop reading that darn book and help me with feeding the chickens. One of the two roosters got out and are fighting again, and now I have to go and break it up before it gets messy.” Crooks put down his book, but right before he was about to open the door to go outside his mom called for him from the kitchen. “Crooks, that nice, young kid Georgie and his brother Tom were here earlier.…
Payton just got done playing a soccer game on a nice day. After the game she stayed back to practice a little more. When she was done practicing alone she started walking home because she did not live far. As she started to walk home, she stopped to tie her shoe. She was about to take out her phone to call her mom when she heard someone yelling for help, but Payton did not know it was a trap.…
There is this couple, Nick and Valerie. Who make this list with the people they don’t like. The two teens call it “Hate List”. Valerie used the list as another place to vent and get things off her chest. Nick on the other hand used this list as a place to choose his targets.…
“Choose a career that will always be needed,” my economics teacher said. It was 3:50 p.m and I was here, sitting in the lobby of a clinic thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. There were at least thirty-five kids here waiting their turn anxiously. My niece’s name was called and we walked into a hallway filled with medical equipment.…
Mugged Will 8-2 It was a normal day when Will was just walking out of his apartment to go to work. Then on the other side of the street he saw a young lady being mugged by someone who had a mask on. He had walked up to her casually and then pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot if she didn’t give him money. Will knows that calling the police won’t get the robber in time to save all of the woman’s valuable things in her purse. He wants to help but he really doesn’t know if he will shoot him if he tries to help the woman.…
The nurse holds the child down, trying to make him stay still. With fear in his eyes the small boy screams and looks to his mother, who has sympathy in her eyes. A sharp pain kisses his arm and it's all over. A traumatic experience for a small child as well as a hard one to witness as a parent. There's no wonder…
As I was approaching to the house, I saw the ambulance drive away with the lights on but no siren. I got to the house, parked my car, got out to see my aunt and Miguel’s older sister crying and holding each other while being questioned by the police. I could not help but feel a cold burst of wind against my face and down my spine. I asked what happened and what they told me broke my heart into a million pieces. My aunt answered my question with “I walked to the backyard and saw him laying facedown with the gun beside him”.…