This semesters the big event is on Tuesday April 11 on the library lawn. Relay for life is, "a unique fundraising night where students and faculty come together and walk all night for a cause, raising money for The American Cancer Society and remembering loved ones and those who are currently in treatment or who have overcome cancer," stated Ashley. As with everything the club does, all the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. This year CAC has set a goal to raise $10,000. Do you want to help them? Then join CAC's Relay for Life team or make your own. You have until the morning of April 11 to do so. You also have the ability to buy T-Shirts all the way up until the event. Relay for life will be filled with many different events such as Zumba, ...., and .... don't miss out on this impactful and heart touching event. It is always important to understand why you should stand up and do something. Ashley relays, "In support of my neighbor Jerry, who was fighting cancer and was like a grandfather to me, I had bought a luminaria bag. This year, as a sophomore I will be walking in memory of Jerry as he sadly lost the fight earlier this year.
This semesters the big event is on Tuesday April 11 on the library lawn. Relay for life is, "a unique fundraising night where students and faculty come together and walk all night for a cause, raising money for The American Cancer Society and remembering loved ones and those who are currently in treatment or who have overcome cancer," stated Ashley. As with everything the club does, all the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. This year CAC has set a goal to raise $10,000. Do you want to help them? Then join CAC's Relay for Life team or make your own. You have until the morning of April 11 to do so. You also have the ability to buy T-Shirts all the way up until the event. Relay for life will be filled with many different events such as Zumba, ...., and .... don't miss out on this impactful and heart touching event. It is always important to understand why you should stand up and do something. Ashley relays, "In support of my neighbor Jerry, who was fighting cancer and was like a grandfather to me, I had bought a luminaria bag. This year, as a sophomore I will be walking in memory of Jerry as he sadly lost the fight earlier this year.