Inattentive Leadership Observation

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Ms. Linda: “I think that they need to be reminded the ground rules every day.”

Supervisor: “You are right. Instead of enforcing ground rules, what else can you do? How can you motivate the children to engage more in the group time?

Ms. Linda: “I think that I may try a different activity that children are interested in.
In this way, all children could participate and get actively engaged in learning. ”

Supervisor: “I am glad you figured it out so quickly. I think these techniques worthwhile giving a try. If it doesn’t work out, I have some other ideas to try later on. But I think it will.”

Children Behavior Chart (Two weeks later)

Attentive to C. T. Inattentive/Passive Inattentive/Active
9:15 x x x x
9:18 x x x x
9:21 xx x x 9:24 xxxx 9:27 xx x x 9:30 xxx x 9:33 xx xx 9:36 xx xx 9:39 xx xx 9:42 xxx x 9:45 x xxx Two weeks later, I visited Ms. Linda’s classroom again. I used the same method as first time to document these four children’s behaviors. From the children behavior chart, I concluded that these four children were attentive 22 observations of 44 and 50 percent of the time. At the first ten minutes, all of them were engaged in the circle time. Although some children became inattentive or active from 9:35 to 9:40, Ms. Linda finally got their attention back to the circle time. In general, Ms. Linda has made a noticeable improvement. Post-analysis: Follow up (The other day, while the conversation in the hall) Supervisor: “Ms. Linda. It’s amazing and wonderful. I observed that Max was engaged, Alex was calm, and Ben and Jayden were focused and cooperated most time in the circle time. How did you make it happen?’ Ms. Linda: “Just as we talked about last meeting, I tried different activities with these children. I was looking for the clues to discover their interest. Whenever I am aware of the children got fidgeting in the circle time, I asked their opinions what they liked to do and tried a different book to read or discuss a different topic to match their interest. I noticed when they were interesting in the topics; the children were willing to participate more. At the same time, I keep remind the ground rules with them. When Max was interrupting, I acknowledged his feelings and kindly reminded him to wait for his turn. Meantime, I separated Ben and Jayden at the beginning to prevent the chaotic in the future. Moreover, I allowed Alex to sit next to me and gave him more space in the circle time. Supervisor: “I am very glad to hear about that. I know you can do it! I have confidence in your ability!” Ms. Linda: “Thanks for your encouragement. I will try my best.” Final Evaluation: Ms. Linda has learned how to discipline the children and is able to practice it. She has also gained the confidence in this area. Ms. Linda has become more aware and is making strides to be developmentally appropriate to the mixed ages, listening, and communicating and interacting more effectively with the children. Reflection: Firstly, I have learned that “supervisors need to spend a great deal of time encouraging staff, helping them to feel valued, and letting them know their contributions are appreciated.” (Textbook: p50) During the meeting with Ms. Linda, I acknowledged Ms. Linda’s feelings and appreciated her efforts in the
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Linda, I used a problem solving technique to instigate the discussion with statements aimed at discovering solutions.

Besides these, in class discussion, we talked about the instructional leadership approaches by Glickman. Problem solving by “requesting the learners and teachers jointly engage in the processes of discovering and developing new strategies.” (Textbook: p59) This is regarded as a collaborative interpersonal approach. In the meeting, Ms. Linda and I brainstormed together to figure out why it didn’t work out in the circle time. Ms. Linda collaborated with me to achieve the goals she needed to work on.

Finally, I let Ms. Linda know that I would always be on her side to support and help her grow successfully. Using the reinforcing strategies, I will strengthen the directive and the criteria to be met by telling of positive consequences. “I know you can do it! I have confidence in your

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