I keep mental notes of all set homework tasks and school assignments in a priority tier. This means I prioritize remembering summative assignments and do usually forget about set homework assignments. I keep track of summative assignments by checking SEQTA and placing deadline dates in an iCloud calendar. Set homework assignments are usually not worried about over the week but I am aware that I do have them most of the time. Because I do forget about formative homework, I usually end up cramming it all within a short amount of time and not learning much from the work I’m doing. I don’t think this system is very effective as this usually puts on a lot of stress on myself and I don’t always end up getting the overall grade I could achieve. In future years with a larger workload and more things to ‘remember’ I think that there is higher chance of me forgetting assignments and missing deadlines. 2. When and how has this system failed you? (Please describe how often this has occurred and what happened when it did. For example, did you forget deadlines or not allow yourself enough time to produce your best work?). My memory is quite good so I don’t usually forget about assignments, but I sometimes forget about when to hand them in. …show more content…
This has only happened 2 – 3 times over the past 2 years. One instance where this happened was a summative history assignment that was due at midday the day after the homework was set. I had finished the essay early in the morning as I did keep track that I needed to finish it that day, but I had forgotten about the 12 PM deadline and handed it in 3 hours too late. Because it was year 9 and my history teacher was lenient and incredibly impressed with my essay, I still managed to get an A+ despite submitting it after the deadline. More instances where something like this happened usually ended with me submitting my work on time but having to cram all my work within a short amount of time. This method did not give me enough time to produce my best work nor check over my work for errors. Although I manage to get good grades using this method, I do not learn much from the assignment and I do not achieve the best overall grade I could possibly achieve.
3. What does an organised person look like to you? (Describe in detail – discuss how they manage their time, what the quality of their work is like and their consistency of performance). I believe an organized person is excellent with managing their time by keeping track of what they have to fit in during the day and making it work. I think that organized people have more time to do things they want to do as they use their time is usually spent wisely and resourcefully and not spent loitering and doing absolutely nothing. I think that the quality of work is subjective to the person, but I do think that organized people make their work to the best of their capacity while knowing that quality of work is not solely dependent on organization. I honestly believe that organized people will get the mostly same results as they are always using the same method but that is subjective to the increase in difficulty in work and the capacity of the person to do well with this work. I think that different people have different abilities. I think that organization will not change these abilities but may make it easier for people to make their work to the best of their ability. I don’t think that the performance can remain consistent as the workload and difficulty does get harder to manage while progressing through education. 4. How could you become more organised? (What could you do, and how would it benefit you? Describe it in detail.) I think that main thing that prevents me from being organized is time management. I usually find that the workload is quite intimidating as I usually leave it to the last minute and spend good opportunities to do my homework, such as private study periods, loitering and not using my time resourcefully. I feel as if being organized would require