My mom always wanted me to go back to school and keep playing sports, but I was hard headed and wanted to do my own thing. She never gave up on me, though. She used to do things like leave army or jobs corps flyers on my bed. I never used to pay attention to the flyers because I didn’t want to go to school anymore. School was just …show more content…
Also I felt, if I move far it would be hard for me to give up because it’s not like I can just walk out the door and walk home or call for a ride when I get frustrated. My first month in Job Corps was a little hard being the new kid and being new to the town. I was 17 when I first went to Job Corps, so I was a little nervous because it was like being a freshmen all over again. I knew I could handle it, though. I completed my first 45 days in the Career Preparation Phase (CPP) when I finally started my trade and high school. I took up Building Construction Technology for my career trade. The reason I pick Building Construction Technogym is because it’s every HBI (Home Builders Institute) trade in one. It has Plumbing, Carpentry, Electrical, and FM all in one. I like to work with my hands so Building Construction Technology made perfect sense and it makes good money. Also I was familiar with some tools used in the trade because my step dad is a