I was at the beginning of my second semester and my life was in a serious downward spiral. In the month of March, I …show more content…
When i found out about her death my world came crashing down and i shut down. I stopped talking to everyone, stopped going to school, never did any of my school assignments, I basically become so cold hearted that everyone stopped trying to get me too talk. I stayed locked up in my room until it was my time to say my final goodbyes. April 8th was the last goodbye and i couldn’t even get through the door without breaking out into sobs. I had to sit and wait a whole hour just to go up to her casket, i guess i didn’t want to at the time because i didn’t want to believe she was gone. This girl had my back during the hardest times, she kept me alive believe it or not. She was that friend God sends to help you balance out life, so for her to be taken from me at such a young age really hurt me more than anything i’ve ever been through. By the time i had to say my final goodbyes my mind and my soul were just so tired i laid on the casket and just cried. I couldn’t find words to say to her because i truly didn’t want to say goodbye, so i just laid my head on that casket and cried till i couldn’t cry