Over the nine years I have also taken part in various camps at a local Girl Scout Camp; however this summer has held an assortment of experiences that have impacted my life. I went to camp under the program CIT or Consoler in Training, this allows teens like I to get hands on experience on what it’s like to use leadership, confidence, and other useful mindsets to help make a difference in the girls we work with. Perhaps it hit me so hard because it was only a handful of years ago that I was the little girl who looked up to the CIT’s. The phenomenal experience, in change has made me realize how much I have changed. The change has rendered my social ineptness and abled me to communicate much for functionally and
Over the nine years I have also taken part in various camps at a local Girl Scout Camp; however this summer has held an assortment of experiences that have impacted my life. I went to camp under the program CIT or Consoler in Training, this allows teens like I to get hands on experience on what it’s like to use leadership, confidence, and other useful mindsets to help make a difference in the girls we work with. Perhaps it hit me so hard because it was only a handful of years ago that I was the little girl who looked up to the CIT’s. The phenomenal experience, in change has made me realize how much I have changed. The change has rendered my social ineptness and abled me to communicate much for functionally and