Essay Question - Other than your Eagle Scout leadership service project, what service have you provided to your community during your high school years?
During my high school years, I have primarily provided service through my participation in the Christiana Care VolunTeen program and through the various clubs that I lead. The Christiana Care VolunTeen program allows young adults to help serve at the hospital in various areas, often exposing teenagers to how a hospital operates. Specifically, I worked in the Outpatient Pharmacy, SurgiCenter, and Pathology/Histology Lab, assisting patients and doctors with their various needs and tasks. Throughout the two summers that I volunteered at the hospital, I helped fold several hundred …show more content…
When I initially began Boy Scouts, I largely depended on my brother and his friends for help and assistance. Eventually, my brother and his friends around his age graduated, and while many moved on to serve as adult leaders, all of them eventually left for college. With this large amount of support missing from my usual routine, I felt lost for a significant amount of time, before I participated in a Philmont trek in the summer before my freshman year of high school. During the Philmont trek, as the youngest member of the crew, I felt highly unprepared due to my overall lack of experience with high adventure and large amounts of leadership; however, despite developing a blister on the first day, I found solace with my crew as they taught me valuable skills that would help me survive the journey. From their exemplary leadership and teachings, I quickly learned not only how to help myself, but also how to assist and guide others as a leader. Slowly, I took on more responsibility positions both in and out of Scouting, imparting my own amazing experience in Philmont onto the younger scouts and leading my fellow students as co-founder of Sustainability Club. Following my contributions in the Pancake Breakfast, I took a year-long hiatus from Scouting to focus on my studies, taking multiple AP classes to help supplement my interests. After the impromptu break, when I rejoined and revisited the enjoyment I experienced from my Philmont trek, I affirmed myself as a Scout for life, as I saw the positive influence the program had on me and knew that Scouting could guide me to become a better citizen of the community. Largely responsible for introducing me to my leadership abilities and individual morals, Scouting has shaped my character through my experiences with