This was the holy grail of the century because now there was a way to prevent pregnancies that you don’t have to physically carry around with you. says that there are not any age restrictions for being on the pill. The website says that as long as the young girl has started her cycle they can safely go about using the birth control pill. That means, in America, your 12 year old daughter can go get birth control as long as she has a ride to the doctor. Even some parents are aware of their young girls being sexually active and take them to the doctor themselves. The attitude is: well if they're having sex, we want them to be safe. This statement would be make sense if birth control pills were actually protecting these young girls but in fact, they're really hurting them. There are many studies that link birth control with breast cancer; the risk is higher the younger you are. Estrogen and progesterone are known to help develop the growth of cancers, and that's just natural hormones. The birth control pill add more of these hormones to the body but in a synthetic form, which isn’t good for a young girl to ingest. So even if you're taking it for reasons other than preventing pregnancies, you have to ask yourself, “is it worth it?” That’s a question that many people shouldn't expect …show more content…
Also birth control pills should not be available for young girls to take because they can use it as an excuse to not use condoms. “It is is recognizing that young people will have sex and we want them to be safe and protected with the most effective methods available” says the American Academy of Pediatrics, but really they just don’t want teens having babies. Birth control pills don’t protect teenagers from STDs. Guttmacher administered a survey on 961 sexually active students. Almost half of the students (45%) were on the pill; 10% of those students used the pill as their only form of “protection”. Teens explanation to having sex without condoms is because of their use of birth control. The majority of teen girls who only use the pill’s reasoning for doing so is because they only have one sexual partner. Who's to say that their partner is as committed as they are. “Approximately 40% to 60% of late adolescents admit to having cheated on a dating partner at some point, depending on the definition of infidelity.” (Rebecca E. Furr), their is a higher possibility of contracting an STD because of