#### Birth Control
Women must decide for themselves what birth control method is correct for them, but we are on hand to assist in the decision making process. No matter what questions one has about effectiveness, usage and side effects, a trained professional is available to respond to questions to help women and couples make an informed choice. Not all methods prevent against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), so we make sure the prevention of pregnancy is not the only consideration one makes when selecting a viable contraceptive. …show more content…
Teenage girls sometimes feel uneasy when talking to longtime pediatricians about reproductive health needs and find Ayott Planned Parenthood to be a more comfortable environment in which to ask questions that matter. Parents seeking counsel for a teen’s need to acquire a contraceptive are invited to let us be a valuable resource for up-to-date information on sexual health issues specific to teens. Education remains one of our focuses, and this is especially prudent with our youngest