#### Birth Control
Women must decide for themselves what birth control method is correct for them, but we are on hand to assist in the decision making process. No matter what questions one has about effectiveness, usage and side effects, a trained professional is available to respond to questions to help women and couples make an informed choice. Not all methods prevent against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), so we make sure the prevention of pregnancy is not the only consideration one makes when selecting a viable contraceptive. Teenagers seeking their first birth control method are made to feel comfortable and are given special considerations, since they may lack understanding about protecting against STDs, while also preventing pregnancy. …show more content…
Teenage girls sometimes feel uneasy when talking to longtime pediatricians about reproductive health needs and find Ayott Planned Parenthood to be a more comfortable environment in which to ask questions that matter. Parents seeking counsel for a teen’s need to acquire a contraceptive are invited to let us be a valuable resource for up-to-date information on sexual health issues specific to teens. Education remains one of our focuses, and this is especially prudent with our youngest patients. #### Women’s Health Well Woman visits are something far too many women put off for reasons related to unease and cost. At Ayott, services are based on an ability to pay, and we assure all patients are treated with the professionalism and privacy they deserve. Routine breast and pelvic exams should not be overlooked. Illnesses, such as breast cancer, have a greater likelihood of responding well to treatment when detected early. Results are always confidential, so employers or partners will not be made aware of a diagnosis unless the patient opts to disclose. Those who fear they were put at risk for a STD, or are experiencing symptoms, should not allow shyness or fear of judgement to hold them back from seeking testing and treatment. We treat a variety of conditions and never pass judgement based on sexual history or a pattern of engaging in high-risk behaviors. Many sexually transmitted diseases are easily treated once diagnosed. Symptoms must never be ignored, especially if one is putting future sexual partners at risk. #### Emergency Contraception Mistakes happen, and we are available when the unexpected occurs, such as a broken condom or forgotten birth control pill doses. Two types of emergency contraception are offered at Ayott. The most common is the morning-after pill. This is not the same as the abortion pill. It prevents pregnancy from happening and does not terminate an existing pregnancy. The other option is the insertion of the ParaGard (copper) intrauterine device (IUD), once a patient is confirmed to not already be pregnant. ParaGuard can prevent pregnancy from occurring up to five days after unprotected