To make an analysis of the article, we will answer the following 4 questions:
To how are the principles of goal setting applied in this case?
How are the principles of job enrichment applied …show more content…
But, most important changes, re-engenierie and restructuring, iniatives are typical of the higher administration. The probable realignments at the
Department are working and job redesign.
How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case?
To apply the principles of job enrichment, managers and directors of the Health Information conducting over working time changes. These changes include the nature of work, the flow and programming, relations between workers, technology, policies and procedures, the volume and types of tasks. They may be changes of events that may be specific to the Ministry or industrywide or changes in the pace of the tasks or services that affect service work.
What the outcomes were of job enrichment in the HIS Departments?
Over time, these changes causes by events and change the pace of work and employment. In the gradual and progressive cases, this change can be almost imperceptible to the leaders of HIS especially when they intervened in the immediate and pressing tasks. However, the end result may be an impairment of labor and employment at the point of distortion, fragmentation …show more content…
Faced with these misalignments, it is the responsibility of management to reorganize work and restructure jobs for maximum efficiency.
What was the impact of job enrichment on motivation and communication in the HIS
Indeed managers of HIS should regularly and periodically evaluate the work and employment for alignment with the current process using indicators of changes in work to determine whether a rearrangement is justified. Indicators are of 3 types: the industry changes, organizational changes and employee perceptions.
For managers and directors of services, change is constant and occurs at the sector level, the organization and the employee. The change affects the nature, volume and type of work in its departments. The change may be imperceptible or seemingly small, but over time, even small changes can create distortions in the Ministries of activities. Of special note in the health information professionals are the many roles and functions deriving from the transition to an electronic environment from a paper environment. Managers and administrators can use the change of indicators to monitor the environment and environmental monitoring can provide evidence to support re-engenierie, restructuring, redesign of work, a redefinition or