This may be true, but Horace never stated that you will not discover your talents if you do not struggle. He simply said that experiencing adversity tends to allow people to discover talents that they may have not know about if they were doing well. People can also discover talents during a prosperous moment of their lives, but sometimes you can only realize what you are capable of during a time of crisis. The person that does not panic when another person’s life is in danger and calls 911 as soon as possible and does exactly what is told of them has the talent of staying calm in dangerous situations. This is an important talent to have, and may have saved their, or another person’s life, but they would have never known they had that talent if they were not put in a dangerous
This may be true, but Horace never stated that you will not discover your talents if you do not struggle. He simply said that experiencing adversity tends to allow people to discover talents that they may have not know about if they were doing well. People can also discover talents during a prosperous moment of their lives, but sometimes you can only realize what you are capable of during a time of crisis. The person that does not panic when another person’s life is in danger and calls 911 as soon as possible and does exactly what is told of them has the talent of staying calm in dangerous situations. This is an important talent to have, and may have saved their, or another person’s life, but they would have never known they had that talent if they were not put in a dangerous