The diamonds in the picture represents the “talent” from the quote. The man in the picture went through adversity to get to the diamonds, but he just gave up. The diamonds now lay dormant underground. Ever heard of those “rags-to-riches” stories? …show more content…
I’m pretty sure you have, the quote above us is a HUGE part to those stories. You may have noticed that I bolded huge, it was to show how important it is. If you’ve never heard of rags to riches stories, they’re basically stories of an “underdog” which could either be immigrants or people who are just trying to escape poverty, turn into very wealthy and successful people. There are plenty of great examples of celebrities who went from “nobody” to “somebody”. A good example would be Steve Jobs, his biological parents gave him up for adoption. That may seem like a terrible thing but if he never met the people who adopted him, he would not have an interest in computers, his father taught him. Short but understandable example, I didn’t want to type in his entire biography so here’s a link to his biography. I used that website to do my pecha kucha so it’s pretty reliable. I just thought this picture was really. funny and I wanted to include it so you could see it to. New paragraph new story. It’s not just rags to riches stories, it could be other things as well. Some examples would be school, you go through piles of HW,assignments, and notes. It really is a struggle realizing what’re you’re doing in high school will determine your future. Fun to think that four letters could change the rest of your life. If you tried really hard and get good grades, you’ll go to a college. If you went to college and did good you could probably become a brain surgeon or an astrophysicist. You went through adversity to uncover your hidden talents that would have been wasted if you didn’t go to school. David and The Goliath was a very interesting story and fits in well with the quote. The story took place a long time ago. There was a war between two armies in a mountain, the war took days because both sides were at a stalemate due to the mountain. So both armies decided to send down their champions to battle it out. The first side sent down Goliath, 6 ft 9 tall heavy infantry armed with swords,spears, and armor. Goliath was a beast, he had experience in battles and he was decked out in armor. It’s like having a level 1 character in an MMO game and taking