Comparing Suffering In Dante's Inferno And King Lear

Superior Essays
Human beings too often avert their eyes from suffering. We choose to avoid our afflictions in an attempt to deny the necessary evils within humanity. By not confronting the truths surrounding the worst in us, however, we become ignorant of a vital and possibly beneficial aspect of human nature. Both Dante’s Inferno and Shakespeare’s King Lear seek to bring attention to human suffering, illustrating our griefs and sorrows as consequences of our own agency. This pain that we cause ourselves can be handled in different ways that further define human suffering; each narrative profoundly explores both approaches, as Dante and Shakespeare portray suffering not only as a method of further inflicting pain on ourselves, but also as an opportunity to …show more content…
Regan articulates this exact concept when she speaks of Lear, explaining how “the injuries that [wilful men] themselves procure must be their schoolmasters” (Shakespeare 2.4.300-1). Through this line, Shakespeare reveals a purpose in human suffering while also setting up Lear’s eventual recognition of this fact. When Lear is driven into the storm without shelter, he undergoes his first encounter with the lesson of charity; because he must live like a man with nothing, Lear comes to a vivid sense of how others have suffered and expresses regret for “hav[ing] ta'en too little care of this” issue and instructs the rich to “expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, that thou mayst shake the superflux to them and show the heavens more just" (Shakespeare 3.3.37-41). These lines display how Lear deplores his life-long attitude of neglect towards others and understands that his suffering brought him to this revelation. Lear’s suffering continues to act as a form of admonition, ultimately climaxing at his profound regret of his decision to disown Cordelia. When Lear is at the lowest point of his existence, he becomes so overwhelmed by “a sovereign shame” knowing that “his own unkindness that stripped her from his benediction turned her to foreign casualties [and] gave her dear rights to his …show more content…
When we see an individual suffer, we become quick to judge that individual for his or her actions; yet, we often fail to recognize our own implication on the same wrongdoings, and thus, we unintentionally become the one who extends our punishment. Suffering as a whole must be acknowledged by humanity – so that lament becomes admonition – as we all make wrong choices that implicate ourselves in pain and grief. While avoiding its gaze may subdue the pain momentarily, this denial will strip us of our chance to learn from past choices and instead will create an everlasting torment. As humans, we must face suffering as an opportunity to admit our core vulnerabilities and flaws that define us, as recognizing the punishment can only make us

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