A father who loves his son (a reputable father that deeply loves his son and cares about his character) desires his son not to be someone who goes out in the world and takes things for granted, is greedy, stomps on other people, or a lazy cop-out in the workforce for society. A father who is kind to his son may allow him to continue to be those things, so long as he is happy and content in his experiences and has the choice to do whatever he so pleases. A loving father may restrict his son from doing certain things, and give the son consequences if he does those things so that he may not grow to be a detriment to himself and those around him and have good, upstanding character. God does the same thing with us in that He shapes us in ways that we may not understand and may be painful, but that does not mean He does not love us, much in the way a father loves his son deeply even if he gives him consequences for his
A father who loves his son (a reputable father that deeply loves his son and cares about his character) desires his son not to be someone who goes out in the world and takes things for granted, is greedy, stomps on other people, or a lazy cop-out in the workforce for society. A father who is kind to his son may allow him to continue to be those things, so long as he is happy and content in his experiences and has the choice to do whatever he so pleases. A loving father may restrict his son from doing certain things, and give the son consequences if he does those things so that he may not grow to be a detriment to himself and those around him and have good, upstanding character. God does the same thing with us in that He shapes us in ways that we may not understand and may be painful, but that does not mean He does not love us, much in the way a father loves his son deeply even if he gives him consequences for his