When one had a pretty good childhood experience, adversity might not change anything in their character. According to the book on page 26, Bonnie or Mrs. Clutter is the “adored sister of three older brothers” and the “only daughter of a prosperous wheat grower” who had a really great childhood with all the love that she received from her family. In the later years after she married Mr. Clutter …show more content…
He was “the proudest boy in town” because his dad could transform a girl bike into a boy bike by sprucing the bike all up. He had “a lot of toys when he was little” compared to the financial condition his folks were in. By looking back into his childhood, there was almost no adversity except the time his father got rabbit fever which lasted many months causing his family to depend upon church assistance and neighbors “otherwise they would have starved.” This one adversity probably led Dick became a person who committed crimes -- mostly broke into stores -- and love to steal because of the time that he needs to save himself and his family from starving. This one small adversity had pushed him onto the edge of willing to do anything. This is true that adversity could wake up one’s talent, but this talent had led him became a thief and even a