Holocaust Concentration Camp Essay

Improved Essays
The Holocaust Genocide took place when Adolf Hitler came to power and decided that he was going to blame everything relating to their economic troubles, on the Jews. Hitler had an army of people under his control known as the “Nazi Party” that were willing to do anything he wished, such as forcing the Jews that resisted to go to the camps. The camps that they were placed in were referred to as “Concentration Camps.” In these camps the Jews were forced to work and if there was any resistance as far as doing what they were told, they were killed. After the Holocaust ended, there was around six million dead Jews, one million of which were children. These Concentration Camps were located in Germany and held a uncountable amount of Jews hostile. In these camps, they were under a great amount of forced labor such as working in extractive industries, such as stone quarries and coal mines, and doing construction labor. As World War II began the camps got worse, even though it was important for Hitler to have people for labor, he continued killing Jews in mass quantities thus resulting in high mortality rates. Not only did Hitler target Jews, he also …show more content…
People were lying all over the place.” After his many years of working in these labor camps, he was finally liberated when the British Army arrived. Once he was free of the camps, Eugene discovered that most of his family had been killed. Since he had been in these camps for so long and was unable to locate any of his family, he was left homeless and stateless at the age of seventeen. Shortly after Eugene was able to begin working as an interpreter for the British Army which is where he met his wife, Annie. As he describes her, “Annie as "my savior,” led him to the life he has today which involves providing guidance to his children and speaking widely about his experiences during the

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