Auschwitz Dbq Essay

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Not only was Auschwitz a death camp it is where a majority of the incoming Jews, families, homosexuals, and numerous other groups of people lived.When they arrive their belongings were taken and later shipped back to Germany and their hair was cut off completely bald (Source D). The living conditions of Auschwitz did not at all accommodate to the number of people stored in each room being that 3 people would have to sleep with each other per bunk in the barracks (Source D).There were no urinals just simply a bucket which very frequently overflowed by the morning which did cause a stench (Source D).There also wasn’t any windows in the Barracks which had its pros and cons as well (Source G).Around August 1944 there were 105,168 prisoners were …show more content…
Labor consisted of them either working in a factory, taking out bodies, some worked in the kitchen, as barbers, piling belongings or they were outside doing hard labor(Source D&G).They all worked at least 11 hours a day but, extended in the summer and shortened in the winter (Source I).Along with that, they did not have to work on Sundays or holidays so they would usually

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