One part that really stands out is how the …show more content…
One note left by a copilot after the attack on Hiroshima said, “What have we done?” proving that at least one of the copilots involved in the attack did not want to drop the bomb. The main reason America had done what they had is because of Pearl Harbor, so it’s arguably fair for America to retaliate the way that they did. There were no morals involved in the Holocaust. “The Jewish race is to be exterminated.” Says Heinrich Himmler, a Nazi during the war. It is clear that the Nazis wanted all the Jews to die, and felt no remorse as they killed off large numbers of Jews.
Despite these differences, the Holocaust and Hiroshima do share some similarities. These two events happened at about the same time, although Hiroshima happened a bit after the Holocaust. Pearl Harbor, the event that lead to Hiroshima, happened on December 7, 1941. Hiroshima itself actually happened on August 6, 1945. The Holocaust lasted from January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945. With these events happening in a similar time frame, it could be inferred that similar weapons and strategies were