From World War Two we as a country have leads so much from the war like how people in this world can be ruthless like hitler and him killing all of those Jews. You can also see that throughout the war our country has become united. We learn that when a country is united and unified you can do amazing things as a country. World War Two definitely pushes the boundaries of our morals as a country. Dropping the atomic bomb on hiroshima and Nagasaki killed millions of people in japan. The decision to drop the bomb on such big cities may not have been morally just but it was necessary for us to drop the bombs because Japan would have never given up in the war until we killed every single japanese soldier and all of their leaders. In Japanese cutler it is dishonorable to surrender. But japan decided to surrender to us because of how much damage we did with just two atomic …show more content…
The Red Cross ran a huge blood drive for World War Two. Almost everyone in the United States gave blood for the soldiers. That blood drive given from the Red Cross saved so many lives in World War Two. This goes to show us that in times of need the people of the United States can put aside their differences and come together as a whole to help each other. These lessons we have learned from World War Two are very important because we know as a country if a war or anything bad happens like in World War Two everyone will come together and help one another. We all know that if another big war happens we will win and we will all help get each other get through the war and we will do anything to protect our country. World War Two has taught us so much as a country and has made us better for it. World War Two has thought the generations after the war how to help your fellow Americans and that through anything we will stand strong even if the outcome looks bleak. A very important lesson we have also learned from World War Two is that we should not give into or surrender to aggressors because in 1938 the Munchi agreement allowed hitler to annex part of Czechoslovakia. It was signed by France, United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany. The settlement was a response to hitler's desire to annex this land no matter what the consequences. France and the United Kingdom thought believed that they were avoiding