All in all, the atomic bombs were justified by bringing the United States control over Japan to be able to install better living conditions in Japan and shut down any ideas of future retaliation. On the other hand, some may argue it was morally wrong to drop the atomic bombs, though it was justified due to the necessity of the bombs for the rest of the world. While the deaths associated with the bombs are terrible, they were bound to happen. It just depended on who was getting killed and how long it took to kill them. Therefore, it was a necessity for the bombs “to be used on an enemy target” (Doc 1) to end the war and bring home millions of…
In Document K Secretary of War Henry Stinson says clearly, “The decision to use the atomic bomb was a decision that brought death to over a hundred thousand Japanese… But this deliberate, premeditated destruction was our least abhorrent alternative”. America had been bombing civilian and industrial cities for almost a year which alone caused many more deaths than the bombs. Also, the operation to invade the Japanese mainland would have ended in a bloodbath of millions of civilian deaths including those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the Americans had already planned to bomb those industrial cities months before. It was fair for the Japanese to fear occupation but anyone could tell that the germans and the americans were some of the nicest…
the Dropping the atomic bomb was the only correct decision for the United States because of casualties being less than what they would have if America had invaded, the brutality of Japanese towards the American POW, and the importance of intimidating Stalin. By dropping the Atomic bomb, the United States rightfully saved thousands of potential lives. After the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the amount of Japanese lives lost totaled to 105,000. (Doc E)…
As a Japanese citizen, the dropping of the atomic bomb was a very bad idea. Table A says there were about 199,000 casualties from the atomic bomb. That many deaths was devastating and was a great loss in Japan. Although they were aware of the consequences after what they did…
The decision to drop the bomb on such big cities may not have been morally just but it was necessary for us to drop the bombs because Japan would have never given up in the war until we killed every single japanese soldier and all of their leaders. In Japanese cutler it is dishonorable to surrender. But japan decided to surrender to us because of how much damage we did with just two atomic…
Should the United states have dropped atomic bombs on Japan? During the time of 1941-1945 a brutal war was fought between the U.S and the Japanese. Killing many soldiers and civilians. The way many of these people died was by an atomic bomb dropped by the U.S.…
As it is essential to recognize that not only was Japan ready to surrender and were given no choice to modify its unconditional surrender. But also destroyed two cities which were limited in military value and had civilians out number Japanese troops, but also were destroyed simply fro power in politics between the U.S and the Soviet Union. The facts from the presidents administrators, secretary of war and even Truman’s chief of staff all stood together and stated that it was unethical, barbaric and abhorrent. Many historians have fought continuously over which was decision was right or wrong to choose, but most evidence indicates that it was the wrong thing to do morally. Furthermore, the bomb was used for several wrong reasons such as causing fear to both Soviet and Japanese governments, in order to put an end to the war and be capable of unconditionally place restrictions at both governments basically holding both countries hostage until their demands were…
What is morality? Surely it can’t be taking men, women, and children to a camp because you don’t like the color of their skin, their religion, or even what people from their home country have done. Sure, the Japanese bombed us first. But does that make it right to bomb them back? Twice at that.…
usage of the atomic bombs was militarily unnecessary and immoral. Furthermore, it lead to the extensive loss of civilian life, therefore making these bombings justifiable only to a lesser extent. However, supporters of the bombings generally are of the opinion that they were instrumental in the Japanese surrender. These supporters also believe that the bombings were beneficial in preventing casualties on both sides, and helped in protecting America from further attacks, especially by Japan. Even before the atomic bombs were dropped, Japan’s surrender was imminent (Source B, Extract 1).…
The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bombing in Japan In August 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs, causing major destruction and life threatening issues, over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Everyone has their own take on what really happened and have their own perspective on controversies regarding the United States’ decision to drop the bombs. Perspectives that I will be discussing today are from three disciplines: scientific view (Leo Szilard), journalism view (Wilfred Bruchett), and historical view (a writer of an article called “The Decision to Drop the Bomb” and Bernard Feld’s article “Lessons from Hiroshima and Nagasaki”). Each have their own unique approach on the atomic bomb and it’s affects.…
The atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even today, many debate whether or not the US should have dropped the atomic bombs. Not only have the bombs killed many Japanese, the bombs also caused radiation sickness. However, these bombs were effective in that they ended one of the most costly wars the world has seen. Although the results of the atomic bombs were devastating to Japan, the US was justified in dropping the bombs because it swiftly ended the war, which effectively saved more lives than it costed.…
In my opinion, United States were right on dropping the bombs. Although hundreds of innocent Japanese lives were lost, millions of American and Japanese lives could have been killed. An article on before the decision to drop the bombs, there was Operation Downfall. Operation Downfall was the mission where US soldier would storm onto Japanese homeland but never happened. The article states, “Had the invasion not been preempted by the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, almost all agree that the campaign would have stood as the bloodiest chapter of the Second World War, adding as much as an additional 10 million dead”.…
This is why I believe the bombing was alright for us to send out. However, when I saw the fact you mentioned of somewhere around "225,000 Japanese civilians" had lost their lives, I began to think maybe there could have been a different way. We had to do something though because the Japanese were not surrendering…
The saying “all is fair in love and war” comes to play in this instance. Our military had a problem to fix in order to do their duty by protecting American soil and they managed to fix it the best way they knew how, given certain conditions and complications. Unfortunately the Hiroshima explosion wiped out about 90 percent of the city, killing 80,000 people instantly and tens of thousands later died of radiation exposure, but it could have been a lot worse for both sides. There was a time for them to surrender without any consequences when the U.S. proposed the Potsdam Declaration, which threatened the Japanese with “prompt and utter destruction” if they refused and of course Japan denied. In return, we blew their world up.…
Tens of thousands were killed in the bombing, naming it inhumane. The bomb’s purpose was not to harm innocent people, its purpose was to first get the Japanese government to surrender, if didn’t surrender then attack cities that help create war material. Innocent lives could have been saved if they evacuated the cities as warned. The dropping of the two atomic bombs saved millions of lives of Americans and the lives of Japaneses. The Japanese government plan was to invade America in a land invasion, causing up to 5 to 10 million casualties of Japanese fighters.…