The Republican Party was formed in 1854. The party believes in a smaller federal government that should undertake the tasks that regular citizens cannot accomplish on their own. The Republican Party believes in lowering government spending and taxes (“The Republican Party”). In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican president. The party continued to grow stronger throughout the Civil War. Following the war, the Republicans controlled politics for almost 75 years. In 1910, the party split. A new party immerged from the split and was called the Progressive Party; this new party believed that there should be no political parties. Although the Republican Party was divided into two factions, they continued to remain one of the two major political parties of the United States. Today, they still hold fast to their traditional conservative values. The Democratic Party was formed in 1840. The party is one of the oldest political parties in the world. The Democratic Party can trace its origin back to the ideals thought of by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, and George Clinton. Democrats believe that the United States should provide ample protection and services to all citizens, including those who are abroad and foreign-born. In 1912, when Woodrow Wilson was elected as president, he changed the party forever. Wilson led the party towards progressivism and away from its old agrarian foundation (“Democratic Party”). Donald Trump was born in New York, New York in 1942. In the 2016 Presidential race, Mr. Trump is running as the Republican Candidate. After graduating from military school, Trump attended the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance. Once Trump received his Bachelor’s degree, he joined his father’s real estate business. In 1975, Trump took over his father’s business, and created Trump Hotels and Casino Resort, Inc. Along with owning the Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe beauty pageants, Mr. Trump also co-owns the Empire State Building. In 1988, Trump ran for president for the first time, however, he failed to gain any GOP nominations. In 1999, Trump decided to give presidency another try. In early February of 2000, Donald Trump dropped out of the race due to “internal conflict within the Reform Party” (Stevenson, Keira). Trump’s fundamental political views have not changed over the years. Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1947. …show more content…
During this Presidential race, Mrs. Clinton is running as the Democratic candidate. At a young age, Hillary became active in Republican groups in order to better her community. In 1968, after hearing a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., Clinton became a registered Democrat. After receiving her undergraduate at Wellesley College, Clinton attended Yale University’s law school. It was here where she met husband, and former president, Bill Clinton. After working on the U.S. Senate subcommittee, she taught at the University of Arkansas’ law school (“Politicians: Hillary Clinton”). While being the first lady of Arkansas, Clinton practiced law and was named one of the most powerful lawyers in the United States. In 2001, Mrs. Clinton served as a New York senator and was reelected in 2006. The following year, she announced that she planned to partake in the 2008 presidential race. She withdrew from the race when it became clear that Barrack Obama would win the Democratic nomination. Mrs. Clinton later served as Secretary of State under President Obama. Clinton is also the first woman candidate to be selected to represent one of the major political parties. The United States faces issues dealing with gun control policies, immigration, the economy and terrorist groups. The two candidates both believe in very different