The main difference between the two parties is their political views and standards. The term left wing is used to characterize the Democrats and the right wing constitutes the Republicans. The left wing focuses on more “liberal” or “progressive” views, regarding a want to change things in new ways. The Democratic party is associated with advancement and equity. Democrats believe that the government should have a strong role in helping Americans, including interference of businesses and creation of health care systems. On the other hand, the right wing refers to more “conservative” or “regressive” views, as in wanting matters to stay the same or conservation of traditional ways. The Republican party is correlated to economic freedom and the idea of “survival of the fittest.” They believe that the government should have less responsibilities and interference economically. These beliefs and mentalities define an American’s view on politics regarding its nation. Resulting from their different origins and conflicting political beliefs, the two parties quarrel on numerous issues. One fundamental issue disputed upon is taxes. Democrats believe in raising taxes for the upper class/rich and lowering taxes for lower and middle classes. This will allow government spending on programs and organizations to support the lower classes. Meanwhile, Republicans believe that both rich and poor citizens should pay the same share of taxes, with possible tax cuts. Although large cuts may lead to a decrease in revenue collected by the government, after tax reductions, …show more content…
Democrats regard religion as scientific and non-organized, while Republicans are largely influenced by religion and tradition. For example, Republicans’ stance on abortion is based on religion and their belief that an unborn child has the right to live and cannot be taken away. Democrats support abortion and believe a woman has the right to make her own decisions. Another social difference is based on family upbringing. Liberals focus on a relationship built on respect and trust between a child and his parents to create potential of a fulfilled adult, whereas conservatives believe a relationship built on respect and fear will build character and a self-reliant adult. Lastly, criminals are perceived as victims of social and economic matters in Democratic eyes, however Republicans view criminals as driven by their own will. These examples out of many more socially related disagreements express a clear contrariety between the two parties.
In light of the numerous differences between Democrats and Republicans, the two parties are similar in their fight for campaign dollars. This has reached to the extent that they both vote their donors’ wishes, rather than of the American people who voted them in. Donors include people that fund the political candidates. For example, charitable organizations and Political Action Committees. Furthermore, both parties work to expand surveillance