High School Sports Research Paper

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For a long time high schools have had sports teams and art programs and they started out with equal funding but over the years sports teams started receiving more funding while the arts clubs received less. Why do they give more funding to the sports teams, it might be that if you walk into a classroom there will likely be a lot of students talking about sports or athletes and only a few who are talking about a musical or art festival so, the school board might think that only a few students like the arts programs and everyone else like sports but, that's not true. There is a lot of pressure for boys to join the sports team because their father of brother want them to be just like them, so most boys will join the team and not actively participate so they are just wasting the schools money when it could be going to the art programs. …show more content…
The cons for students for the sports programs are, students who play on the sports teams are at risk for serious injury or being devastated when their team loses and might be aggressive towards members of the other team. Students in the art club compare their art to others and beat themselves up over it, they also have students who will steal other students art and cause the student who actually made the art to be behind in the club or be kicked out. They also have some of the same problems, for example they both have students who bully each other and have stereotypes for students in those clubs like, art club members are geeky/nerdy, weaboos or shy and students on the sport teams are supposed to be tough, rude and

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