Institutions of education across America carry the weight of shaping the next generations minds. Federal and state funding directly affects the school boards ability to create varied curriculum. On top of core education, schools are encouraged to have a variety of extra curricular activities to round out student’s schooling. Specifically, high schools feel high pressure to give students tons choices to help them build diverse college applications. School boards look at the different ways they can bring in more funds to the school. Despite all of their efforts, it’s as if there is never enough money to go around. Should a school place more money into the football team? Or maybe the money should to …show more content…
We had one piano to use between 4 music classes and had to fund our own art supplies for painting and drawing classes. Our school had many budget cuts on our creative classes, we were still considered lucky to even have them. Everyone hears the horror stories of schools shutting down all funding to the arts. This effectively pushes the creative types to find time outside of school to do what they love. Everyone knows that balancing funds in education is a difficult task; however, funneling all the available funding into sports programs while cutting the arts is harmful to student’s