After several months of abuse, I discovered myself pregnant with a girl. At fifteen weeks,
After several months of abuse, I discovered myself pregnant with a girl. At fifteen weeks,
A Character Analysis Of Hannah Swensen from Fudge Cupcake Murder Lou Holtz once said, “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it”. This quote is displayed in many ways during the book. The main characters reveals more than the reader expects.…
In “My Freshman Year” chapter two called “Life in the Dorms” by Rebekah Nathan; she quotes about the story for the readers to understand and for the RA’s words in her point. In this quote, the RA doesn’t go in the dorm room then the students will be okay they cannot get into trouble with illegal underage drinking. In which she the narrator Rebekah Nathan in her quote to strengthen the readers to listen and interpret the college life the students are in by college diversity in which it was tied. In this chapter, I would change the quote a little bit to make it more understandable for the readers so they can understand it and write a paper on it there is nothing else I would change.…
Anne Frank once said, “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” I agree with Anne. It doesn’t matter what bad things a person has done previously. What really matters is what they do next. Hannah Stern, a Jew in a concentration camp, helps a small child put on clothes.…
Kent Harufs Plainsong is an inspiring novel centered around seven characters and their battles with isolation and hopelessness. Through different accounts in each chapter, you hear of seven people’s day to day struggles and the effects it has on their lives. One character who really embodied the theme of the book, was Victoria Roubideaux, or Vicky for short. Vicky, a pregnant 17-year-old girl, wasn’t able to hide the fact that she was pregnant, and was thrown out of her house by her mom. To make things worse, the father of her baby abandoned her as well.…
Paragraph 1, Introduction Ellie's Story is about a search and rescue dog named Ellie. Ellie's Story is by W. Bruce Cameron, who also wrote the novel A Dog's Purpose, Bailey's story, Molly's story, Max's Story, and many other books all based off of A Dog's Purpose. A Dog's Purpose even had a movie made about it. EllIe's story didn't have many main characters. Some of the characters consist of Jakob, Ellie's first partner, Maya, Ellie's second partner, Ellie herself, Albert, Maya’s husband, Wally, and Belinda.…
Kit was teaching children how to read at the school, and she decided to have them act out a part of the Bible; it got out of hand and then Mr. Eliezer Kimberly, the head of the school enters the house and disbands the school. Kit was so upset seeing Mercy cry, that she ran to the meadow and fell down and cried, she then felt a presence and looked up only to find an old woman standing there looking at her; the woman was Hannah Tupper, the woman that everyone thought was a witch. Hannah invited Kit over to eat something. As they eat Hannah tells kit that she and her husband walked from Dorchester, Massachusetts and how in town there was not any land for them since they had a brand on their foreheads.…
Favorite parts: My favorite parts were actually Clay’s narrative. I found it unique, from a storytelling perspective, to have Hannah’s story portrayed in the context of Clay’s. Sometimes, it would seem that the lines would blur about whose story this actually was; in the end it is Clay’s. Clay becomes so engulfed in Hannah’s story, this girl that he had an emotional attachment to, who is now gone. The prime example of Clay’s immersion in Hannah’s world comes when Clay is at Monet’s, a favorite hangout place of Hannah’s.…
she was affected by the many experiences share, and how the experiences has changes the way he/she views people and the world. No longer viewing themselves as the victim but seeing themselves as the overcomer against all odds. However, in contrast, an autobiography covers the author’s entire life to the present, including public and private experiences…
Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” and “Desiree’s Baby” has many elements that can be compared and contrasted. These stories share similar characteristics such as time period and the theme of marriage. With these characteristics there are many things that need to be considered in each story such as why the time period is a big deal and what it has to do with the theme of marriage. However, there are some contrasts in the two stories like location and antagonistic motives. These contrasts should be taken into account because they are what make the stories two different stories and not a rewrite of one or the other.…
It was not a stranger they were looking for, but their very own sister. Karen Russell wrote a short story called “Haunting Olivia”, and it is about the death of a young girl and her grieving brothers. Wallow and Timothy go to Gannon’s Boat Graveyard whenever they get the opportunity because they are looking for their sister, Olivia. Gannon’s Boat Graveyard is a place where people come to leave their abandoned boats. Each time they go they wear diabolical goggles.…
Depression is a main theme in Thirteen Reasons Why. This condition, which “20 percent of teens will experience,” influenced many of the main character’s actions and heavily dictated the plot of the story right up to Hannah Baker’s last decision (Camping). This novel follows an in-depth examination of the chain of events causing Hannah’s depression and observes the repercussions of it. A major part of Hannah’s depression was caused because she was made to feel worthless by those around her.…
The Story of An Hour is a short story by Kate Chopin written in 1894. During this time there were not many story’s written about a woman’s joy of losing her husband to gain freedom. That is exactly what this story is about. Mrs Mallard, the main character, expresses some sadness when she learns that her husband has just passed away, but then goes on to feel joy of her new found freedom of being alone. Within an hour of dealing with the death of her husband, Mrs Mallard’s husband, Brently, comes walking through the door alive and unhurt.…
It’s the difference between a child and an adult, a man and a woman, a black and a white. It’s why people rebel and protest. It’s the difference in appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger compared to Miley Cyrus. It’s what separates a happy healthy person from an unstable and mentally ill one. It’s what gives an army the upper hand in battle.…
Everything you do in life, you do it by choice. Regardless of the task, you have a choice to say yes or no. If you choose to do something, you cannot blame someone else for your actions. People tend to blame others for their faults, but at the end of the day, who said yes or no. In Thirteen Reasons Why Hannah chooses to end own on life; however, she blames others for her choice.…
Destiny Hope Cyrus, better known as Miley, is a famous young performing artist who just recently labeled herself as a feminist. The question is; what characteristics make someone a feminist? Within the last couple of years, Cyrus has released some questionable music videos to the public while simultaneously calling herself a female supporter. Feminists are people who believe in equal rights, which Cyrus does agree with. However, what the singer fails to understand is that females are worth more than riding naked on a wrecking ball and using racist gestures to get their points across.…