Guns Should Be Allowed In Schools

Superior Essays
"...They had walked the halls of congress with a bag of 200 glossy pictures and beseeched lawmakers to look at their son, his auburn hair curling at the ears, his front teeth sacrificed to a soccer collision, his arms wrapped around Ninja Cat, the stuffed animal that had travelled with him everywhere, including the hearse and underground" (Salsow). The Barden family was one of the many who lost a child in the Sandy Hook massacre. It claimed 26 innocent lives, lives that could've been saved. It has become clear that in order to minimize gun violence in America, change must occur. Murders like these have families and advocates demanding modification of the 2nd Amendment and banning of guns altogether. This is not the right course of action for …show more content…
Liberty University has recently taken action and allowed certain students and staff with proper permits to carry firearms in residence halls. School president Jerry Falwell Jr. urged eligible students to get training from school authorities to obtain their concealed carry permit. He said that if more people carry concealed weapons at Liberty, it would help the school deter attacks such as the recent mass shooting in Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead and many more injured (Anderson). Concealed carry permits allow citizens to carry firearms in public. Certain states require civilians to go through background checks and take classes in order to obtain concealed carry permits. Gun control advocates argue that lower murder rates in other countries proves gun control works. Yet the facts continue to show that there is simply no correlation between gun control laws and murder or suicide rates across a wide spectrum of nations and culture (Lampo). After states allowed concealed carry, they saw a drop in murder and crime rates. A criminal knowing that they might be met with deadly force will likely to be deterred. For example, the Aurora Theatre shooter had passed up bigger, more populated theaters to commit his rampage. Out of all the theaters near him, the one he chose was the only one where guns were prohibited (Hannicutt). This shows that facilities that prohibit guns, such as schools, become prime targets for criminals. Employing armed guards or allowing concealed carry in schools across America would greatly prevent targeting of schools in the future. This country also has an alarming number of unemployed veterans who would like nothing more than to be tasked with protecting America's children. Schools are home to Americas most valuable asset, its

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