The article basically showcased how The Golden State Killer was suspected after forty years of cold leads case catching dust in the California’s deepest shelving units. To only arrest a suspected Joseph James DeAngelo at the hearty age of 72 in April of this year. This leads to an underlying question; does the government enable someone to kill? …show more content…
Government officials don’t make a serial killer. Serial killers make themselves; not from a politician’s viewings on certain topics of choice or how they’d want to stop criminals. I’d say the most a politician could do to influence them is to publicize their actions and their own statements through the media. Serial Killers are known to enjoy the attention their actions bring. They enjoy and get off on the fact that police are tracking them and can’t seem to discover them. Almost as a child would try pushing their limits before getting into the most trouble, so they keep escalating their spree. The Golden State killer might have been one of these types. He started off by simply breaking and entering as the newspapers publicized him, he increased to rape and finally murder to feed his fantasy, I