In our society today serial killers is nothing new they have been around and going on for years. Its as if serial killers have become a common thing in todays day and time. Ann Rule who is a respected author and expert on serial murders, stated in a seminar at the University of Louisville on serial murder that between 3,500 and 5,000 people become victims of serial murder each year in the United States alone (Beaty 1). She then went on to state that others believe there are up three hundred and fifty serial killers believed to be active in our society today. …show more content…
She talks about how moving around to many times can cause a child to be unstable and unconnected. She also talked about how growing up in a violent environment can cause children to be violent in there adult years which can take them down the road of becoming serial killers (Beaty 2) Next she talks about how what you watch on television can cause you to become serial killers. If you all your are watching is shows about abuse, drugs, violence, murder and total chaos’s then over time your mind is going to become use to those things and images and they will seem normal and not so normal. The last theory she talks about is that some kids are just born into and have no chance because they are never loved as a child (Beaty