After the Civil War, America as a country was in a way, separate from the rest of the world for a little while. Then, later in the 19th Century the US started wanting to expand and to gain more territory. Many things caused this such as a growth in the population, industrialization, and an expanding economy. With lots more industrial and agricultural production, factory owners …show more content…
Spain dismissed the possibility of selling Cuba to the United states but with its relationship with Spain continuously crumbling, the United States made a decision to try to take the land from Spain with force.
The war with Spain definitely could have been avoided but a main reason for it happening is all of the “hype” for a war. All of this yellow journalism saying all these untrue things about how bad Spain is and people hating this country that hates America that actually doesn't really exist. The more that America was getting all up and in arms against Spain, the more Spain was preparing itself for a war that America was causing on itself.
With the mysterious explosion of the Maine over 250 American lives were claimed. A horrible thing had happened and although it was not clear for a very long time why the ship blew up, reporters and journalists got more of exactly what they wanted; more things to blame on Spain to get more popularity for their papers they were selling and to get more support for the war. In a way it was these reporters and journalists that made America hate