Gluten Free Research Paper

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Gluten Free Diet – A Sign of Things to Come
The gluten free diet is here to stay. Consumers want more product labeling, new products, and are willing to pay the price. Going gluten free is growing in popularity and will continue to grow. The gluten free diet is also drawing more attention due to how our food is being processed. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has certified labels everywhere advertising, gluten free.
What is gluten? According to, “Gluten refers to the proteins found in wheat endosperm (the protein gliadin and the protein glutenin). Gluten both nourishes plant embryos during germination and later affects the elasticity of dough in baked wheat products” (Castro, np).
A gluten free diet is a diet
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In fact, it can even increase your intake of nutrients, assuming you replace the gluten-containing foods with naturally gluten-free meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts rather than gluten-free junk food” (Sisson, np). Individuals on a gluten free diet tend to eat more whole foods and read labels at the grocery store. Fad diets are defined by fast weight loss, strict food choices, promises that sound too good to be true, lack of scientific evidence, and does not take in to account your food likes or dislikes. The gluten free diet does not promise any of that. Thus it is not a fad diet. (Tsang, np)
In the last 20 or so years, we have changed the way farming is being done. Scientist are genetically modifying some of our seed grains and food sources. Farmers are spraying different chemicals on them. These chemicals are not meant for our bodies and are affecting them in many negative ways. According to Dr. Anthony Samsel Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), there is correlation between the application of the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) on corn, wheat and soy. As a result of the chemicals being sprayed, we have seen an increase in gluten intolerance, celiac
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It is a sign that people are becoming more aware of their health and how their food is processed. Mark Sisson states, “In my experience, gluten-free consumers are more informed about health in general” (Sisson, np).
The gluten free diet is not a fad; it is a very real need. Why all the rage, publicity and all the new food products promoting the gluten free diet? The gluten free diet is being over rated, capitalized on by the food industries, and commercialized.
Mark Lang stated in his New York Times article, “Whether consumers’ reasons for demanding more gluten-free products are medically or nutritionally justified doesn’t really matter; simply put, more consumers want more of these products. Manufacturers and retailers are responding to a growing demand for gluten-free products. Food marketers have well-honed capabilities to identify subsets of consumers with unique demands, and to customize product offerings accordingly” (Lang, np).
The gluten free diet is not a fad, it is here to stay, and that is a positive sign. It will continue to grow in popularity because of how our food is being grown. Maybe the next time you hear someone is on a gluten free diet, or go to the grocery store, and see the aisles lined with certified gluten free foods, you will

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