A: Raw Material: Glass (Not Sapphire) Corning (Gorilla Glass) – USA
Apple has decided against following an industry shift towards sapphire glass. They did this because due to environmental concerns since “Sapphire requires 100 times more energy to produce than glass” (Bajarin 2014). Apple’s commitment to designing products in this way allows them to remain competitive while addressing sustainability issues as well.
B: Minerals (Conflict Free) Intel (Processors)
A Forbes Contributor, Rahim Kanani, analyzed Intel’s decision to move away from conflict minerals. He found that Intel wanted to ensure that it too (like many companies) does the ‘right thing’ (Kanani 2014). This; however, may pose economic issues, …show more content…
The battery is an essential component to any device offered by Apple and is a feature of Apple products that are highly valued (long battery life). Having Samsung as a battery provider especially after the Note 7 Incident (Samsung phones catching on fire due to battery issues), is both an environmental and economic risk from a SEERS perspective. If Apple would have to recall all of its phones, it would have to deal with insane amounts of waste as well as with the logistics of repairing or exchanging millions of phones (extremely high cost and a loss of …show more content…
Although not yet confirm, TriplePundit, reports that an Early Warning System implemented in order to provide workers with an anonymous reporting system, has gather sufficient data to launch an investigation in a number of factories affiliated with Nike under the suspicion of child labor (Kaye 2016). This is most certainly an extreme example of a violation of the social aspect of SEERS, which reflects poorly on both Nike and Apple.
H: LG (External Displays) Apple
LG is the new external display provider for Apple. Although economically they provide a benefit to Apple, as Apple is able to provide value without having to pay for development costs, having finished good electronic suppliers means that Apple will have less control over manufacturing practices and so this may be an important environmental concern for them.
I: LaCie (External Hard Drives) Apple
LaCie is a finished goods electronics supplier, namely external hard drives, to Apple. They offer economic value to Apple, which doesn’t manufacture its own private label external hard drives (with the exception of Apple Airports). As with LG, these types of partnerships allow for less say in manufacturing practices and so will pose an environmental threat to