Environmental And Social Change In The Valle Del Mezquital, Mexico

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For many of us, conflict over natural resources is not a part of everyday life. But in many places around the world, access to natural resources cannot be taken for granted. Conflict over natural resources is often part of a larger struggle over political, social, and economic power. The control over water, land, and oil has economically and socially changed the world. They have been used to secure power because of how important they are to society. The consequences for wrongly abusing these resources have shown to be a lot more trouble then it was worth. Where natural resources are not at the heart of the conflict, their availability can compound the problems created by political, social, and economic conflict.
Water is a necessity of life,
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Possession of land means access to many other resources, such as minerals, and animals, and land therefore often holds a high economic value. In addition, communities often have strong emotional and symbolic attachments to land and the resources on it. It is easy to see why competition for control of valuable land, including issues of government authority and regulation, can cause conflict. In the reading “Environmental and Social Change in the Valle del Mezquital, Mexico, 1521-1600” the author expresses the disastrous consequences of the introduction of exotic animals into a New World environment that are very clearly demonstrated by the sixteenth-century history of the Valle del Mezquital, Mexico. A process of environmental degradation, caused by overstocking and indiscriminate grazing of sheep in the post-conquest era, leads us to ask whether the Spanish always acted in their own long-term interests in the New World. The Spanish used their power to make a system called encomienda work in the landscape. This allowed them to use the Indians as a source of labor for the land, but they didn’t have any legal right to the land. The Spanish secured the land so that all economic growth would be for their benefit. After the Spanish had taken an interest in agriculture and were taking over, the Indians were displaced. They were displaced from their cropland and …show more content…
One of the strike methods used was disrupting the flow of energy. They accomplished this by working more slowly and clumsily, and after 3 days they won their demand for increased wages. The companies responded to these claims by having strikebreakers, military force, and creating company unions. These company unions ensured that the workers could express their issues to the company union, but they could not join force with any other strike union. This saved the companies from having large strike groups against

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