Purpose and Background Cells divide in two ways, mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is used to produce cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell for growth, asexual reproduction, or repair after injury. Cells that are produced by mitosis are diploid, meaning that they have two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. Meiosis is used to produce haploid cells that have only one set of chromosomes, a mix of chromosomes from both parents. Meiosis produces cells that are genetically unique from their parent cells.…
Interactive Question 7.2 Cite some experimental evidence that indicates that membrane proteins drift. A good form of experimental evidence is Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, aka FRAP. In the FRAP process, membrane proteins are labelled with a green fluorescent protein, and part of the plasma membrane is “bleached” with a laser, causing them to lose their fluorescence. The part that was bleached will eventually become fluorescent again, as molecules drift in by diffusion.…
The effect of the BsrG1 restriction enzyme on Wild Type and Mutation 1 of E. coli DNA Introduction: What a lac operon is involved in the lactose metabolism of E. coli and it can only work when there is no glucose present to interfere with the lactose metabolism. (Khan Academy) E. coli chooses prefers glucose and other "better" sugars, so if any are present other than lactose the lac operon will not be expressed in the plasmid. (Khan Academy) A plasmid is an "independent, circular, self-replication DNA molecule" that contrasts with the more complex helical shaped DNA of Eukaryotes.…
Materials. Numerous substances in the experiment were used. The most frequently used was the unknown due to the need to test its physical and chemical qualities. When a solution of the unknown was made, 1.000 g of the unknown and 1.0 mL of water was used to make it. To test for the possible ions, 1.0 mL of silver nitrate and 1.0 mL of nitric acid were used for the ion test.…
The focus of this lab was to identify an unknown organism based on its characteristics and the results from each of the tests. There will be various of test to choose from in order to identify the unknown organism, which will eliminate numerous possibilities and narrow it down to one. All the fundamental skills that we have learned and practiced in the lab will be used to perform on our unknown such as aseptic technique, microscopic examination, the use of differential media, and determining if it’s positive or negative. Performing aseptic techniques is the most crucial step that requires the utilizing of transferring, inoculating, and storing bacterial cultures and media. Aseptic technique is defined as procedures that prevent contamination…
Determining the impact of Auxin in pea plants, and its effect on lateral bud growth Megan Posey Bio 121-104 John Barry 10/23/16 Abstract Auxin is a hormone that helps to regulate bud growth, cell elongation, and many other aspects of plants. Apical dominance is a phenomenon that occurs due to the presence of auxin and stops lateral bud growth.…
The purpose of this experiment is to quantify the air quality and emissions of a local Nacogdoches Tadarida brasiliensis, Brazilian Free-Tailed bat colony. Concentration of ammonia, particulate matter, fungi and bacteria were measured to assess air quality. The guano at the base of the garage was also analyzed for nitrogen and carbon content. The colony briefly lived in the north end of parking garage on East College Street and Raguet Avenue until its untimely removal. The colony could be seen primarily in the upper two floors of the side column.…
In this lab, we took four separate onion bulbs, labeled them A,B,C, and D, and put them in a beaker filled with water. We recorded the growth in number of roots and their average length for days one, two, and five. Then we put Bulbs B, C, and D in beakers with different amounts of caffeine and left Bulb A in water. We then recorded the number of roots and their average length on days two, three, and four. After that, we took and onion root form Bulbs A, B, C, and D, stained them, and looked for cells going through mitosis.…
In the first part of this experiment a pure compound named, “trimyristin” was extracted from its natural source nutmeg creating a natural product. Natural products are defined as organic compounds that derive from vital organisms such as plants like nutmeg [1]. Isolating organic compounds from vital organisms are typically difficult to accomplish, however in this experiment trimyristin comes in large quantities especially in nutmeg. Approximately 25-40% can be extracted from the nutmeg [1]. Trimyristin is a triglyceride which is an ester attained from the lipid, glycerol, with three hydroxyl groups attached that contains fatty acid groups that are from myristic acid [2].…
In the making of cigarettes, trees are cut down for tobacco field land. When people smoke, the cigarette smoke pollutes our atmosphere. Soil that has been contaminated with cigarette smoke harmfully affects plants. Thus, there is a clear need to investigate the impact of nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes, on plant growth. I am going to test the Arabidopsis Thaliana, a model organism, to see the effect of nicotine on its growth.…
Genetic modification in both animals and plants for the purpose of faster and voluptuous growth rate is rapidly increasing. The three articles that were located, all revolve around the aspect of genetic modification in the food we consume. Genetically modified food are food derived from organisms that have undergone changes in their DNA through the processes of genetic engineering. It takes many steps to modify the genetics of an organism and they include isolating a particular gene and duplicating it several times. Additionally, there are a vast amount of benefits and concerns of genetic modification in food.…
Abstract This experiment is about the effect of microwave radiation exposure on the percent that radish seeds germinate. The hypothesis in this experiment is if the radish seed is placed in the microwave for 8 minutes, then the percent of germinated seeds would be the lowest out of all the times. This experiment is important because if something happens and radish seeds are exposed to microwave radiation people would be able to know if the radishes would germinate if they knew the time they were exposed. This could also be used to find out if people could grow radishes in space because there is a lot of microwave radiation.…
When finding out unknown bacteria you have to go through several steps to figure out what it could be. I was given unknown bacteria number 28 and asked to run different testing to identify exactly what this bacterium is. I ran 6 test to determine my unknown. These test includes: Gram Stain, SIM, Sucrose, Citrate, MAC, and EMB. Each one of these test are different and they will give a positive or negative feedback which is how we will know which bacterium I have.…
The intention of this experiment was to find out which of the two hormones, Gibberellic Acid or Brassinosteroids, would have the greatest effect on growth among our test subjects, the organism Arabidopsis thaliana. The results of this experiment were not as we hypothesized. Gibberellic acid proved superior in cell elongation, which can be observed by way of plant height. This was a rejection to our original hypothesis, as well as a contradiction to the study: “Interactions between Brassinosteroids and Gibberellins: Synthesis or Signaling?” ; the information from which we based our hypothesis (Laura JQ, et al, 2017).…
Introduction In this lab report I use two different techniques to identify Unknown A and Unknown B bacteria’s. These techniques are gram staining and metabolic testing. I first used Gram staining to distinguished and identify the bacteria’s. Han Christian discovered gram staining in 1882, he had biopsy a patient lung that had pneumonia.…