Between the first and second day bulb A, B, C, and D all had growth in number of roots and average length. Also between day two and five bulb A, B, C, D also all had growth in number of roots and average length. Then bulbs B, C, and D were placed in different amounts of coffee and the number of roots and average length remained almost the same. As for bulb A, which stayed in water, it's growth rate remained the same. However, bulb B had the most number of cells going through mitosis bulb D had the least, …show more content…
Some biotic factors that could impact the rate of mitosis are animals or humans destroying the plants. For question 1b, one substance that could affect the rate of mitosis is vinegar. Another substance that may affect the rate of mitosis is pop. To test how these two substances can affect the rate of mitosis you can place one plant in a beaker filled with water, To test how these two substances can affect the rate of mitosis you can place one plant in a beaker filled with water, place another plant in a beaker filled with vinegar, and place a third plant in a beaker filled with pop. Observe each plant and record the number of roots and their average length and the number of cells going through mitosis then compare