This medium is a selective and differential medium designed to isolate and differential enteric based on their ability to ferment lactose. Lactose-fermenting organism grow as pink and non-lactose fermenting organisms grow as colorless or clear colonies. My medium turn yellow which means it’s non-lactose or negative for lactose. Please refer to Figure 6 to see an example. EMB is my last test I performed which is also a plating medium and EMB stands for Eosin Methylene Blue Agar. This medium is also selective and differential and very similar to MacConkey Agar. The combination of the two dyes inhibits most gram positive bacteria but allows many gram negative organisms to grow. Colored colonies mean the bacteria is lactose fermenter and colorless colonies means non-lactose fermenter. My results shown in Figure 7 did not change color although you can see where I streak the
This medium is a selective and differential medium designed to isolate and differential enteric based on their ability to ferment lactose. Lactose-fermenting organism grow as pink and non-lactose fermenting organisms grow as colorless or clear colonies. My medium turn yellow which means it’s non-lactose or negative for lactose. Please refer to Figure 6 to see an example. EMB is my last test I performed which is also a plating medium and EMB stands for Eosin Methylene Blue Agar. This medium is also selective and differential and very similar to MacConkey Agar. The combination of the two dyes inhibits most gram positive bacteria but allows many gram negative organisms to grow. Colored colonies mean the bacteria is lactose fermenter and colorless colonies means non-lactose fermenter. My results shown in Figure 7 did not change color although you can see where I streak the