Visual comparison of the available solid and aqueous compounds to the unknown was done first so as to eliminate unnecessary testing. A 30.0 g/mL solution of the unknown was made in a beaker by dissolving 1.000 g of the unknown in 30.0 mL of distilled water. Before weighing out 1.000 g of the unknown, the scale was zeroed out with a piece of weighing paper (square cut-out of normal paper) on it. Using a scoopula, 1.000 g was the compound was carefully placed on the weighing paper and measured to exactly 1.000 g. These same measurements and procedures were used when solutions of calcium chloride and nitric acid were created using separate beakers. Portions of each solution were then poured into test tubes (exact measurements were not necessary for this step). After the bunsen burner was turned on, and the flame was gauged to be of adequate length (must be able to see changes in color), a nichrome wire was dipped into the test tube of the unknown, and then the solution-covered segment of the wire was placed into the flame. The same was done for calcium chloride and ammonium …show more content…
The pH probe was connected to a laptop by a USB connector, and the real-time pH of the solutions was seen on a graph using the Logger Pro (Version: 3.10.1) software of Vernier Software & Technology. 1 mL of each solution was measured into three separate test tubes for the ion test. A graduated cylinder was obtained and used to measure out 1 mL of silver nitrate and 1 mL of nitric acid. One test tube of solution at a time, 1 mL of silver nitrate and 1 mL of nitric acid was poured into the test tube, and then the test tube was agitated to obtain a precipitate. These steps were performed with all three test tubes.
Conductivity was then tested with the solutions remaining in the beakers. A Go! Link by Vernier Software & Technology was utilized to connect the conductivity probe to Logger Pro in order to view real-time conductivity values. The electrode (epoxy-body graphite) end of the probe was first neutralized in a beaker of distilled water, and then placed in the solution of the unknown. When the unknown’s conductivity was measured, the probe was again placed in distilled water, and once again repeated with ammonium chloride. All the results from the tests were recorded in a data