George's Reasonableness In Killing Lennie

Improved Essays
George’s Reasonableness In Killing Lennie
George was right to kill Lennie. Lennie is huge and lumbering, while George on the opposite, is small and smart.Yet such two different people have formed a “family”, clinging together in the face of loneliness and alienation during their journey. Lennie is innocent and mentally handicapped with no ability to understand abstract concept like death. He often does not mean to do the things that get him into trouble, and once he does get into trouble, he has no conscience to define his actions in terms of guilt. For that reason, the dramatic scene unfolded - George had no choice but to kill his best friend Lennie after he got to know the fact that Lennie killed Curley’s wife. Was George right to kill Lennie?
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Lennie has been a burden for George but George loved and protected Lennie unconditionally, relatively Lennie brings George a purpose of life. “He said sharply, ‘I ain’t gonna let’em hurt Lennie’ ”(95) George loves Lennie and he doesn’t want to let anyone hurt Lennie, however life is always hard and full of bitter - Curley was going to kill Lennie and make him suffer from torture for killing his wife. “He worked himself into a fury. ‘I’m gonna get him. I’m going for my shot gun. I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch myself. I’ll shoot him in guts.’ ” (96) and sadly no one can stop him: “Carlson said, ‘I’ll get my Luger,’ and he ran out too.” “Slim sighed, ‘Well, I guess we got to get him...’ ”(96-97) Lennie’s death was inevitable, foreshadowed by the death of Candy’s old dog and what Candy said to George, “I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t oughtta of let no stranger shoot my dog. ”(61) George chose to kill Lennie himself was out of love and mercy - This was the only way George could protect Lennie for the last time from other people’s hand. Rather than taking a risk of being caught running away, being tortured by Curley or being locked by Slim, it is better for both George and Lennie to let Lennie die in a happy dream without getting any harm. “You... an’me. Ever’body gonna be nice to you. Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. No body gonna hurt nobody nor steal from’em.”(106) With George’s best wishes to Lennie, his killing Lennie as quick as painless as possible was the humane

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