George Washington was a Virginian representative to the First Continental Congress. He was again present at the Second Continental Congress. Here John Adams argued that this seasoned soldier should lead the new Continental Army. Washington believed in the cause so much that he accepted the job without pay. Washington achieved his first victory, that of retaking Boston, without much difficulty.…
He then suggested a second general convention be held to discuss more about Virginia’s plan and the Constitution as a whole. He was present when the Constitution was signed, but declined signing it himself. He explained why he had not signed the Constitution and it was because Republicans were trying to change it and he had thought that they would regret what they were doing in the long…
A strong government ensures stability and safety to its citizens by providing just laws, a financially secure nation, and a strong military. The fifty-five delegates who attended the convention knew that an efficient political system and basic civic rights were needed to make the US grow. Yet, the creation of a new constitution, a new government during those four months between May and September of 1787 truly produced a miracle. Miracle at Philadelphia, written by Catherine Drinker Bowen, narrates the events at the Constitutional Convention. Alexander Hamilton was an essential character that played a pivotal role in the creation/ramification of the constitution and the formation of the convention.…
Although he didn’t say much, he did, however do another smart thing. He arranged publication of the debates just in time for the Republican convention. He also had a fancy pamphlet version of Cooper Union in time for the…
On February 22, 1732, George Washington was born. He played a major role in the American Revolution as the commander in chief of the Continental Revolution. Along with this, he was one of the founding fathers and became the first president of the United States. In the same year, Georgia, the 13th colony was founded in June. James Oglethorpe founded the colony, and it was named after King George II.…
In the same year John Adams was elected to represent for Massachusetts in the first Constitutional Congress in 1774 with 4 other men history book pg.142. In 1775 the Congress made a Continental Army that then made George Washington the leader and founder of the army. In 1776 the Congress approved of Adams resolution of each colony over its own government on May 15. Then in July John Adams seconded Richard Henry Lee resolution of Independence. And soon after the Declaration of Independence was…
He persuaded the congress the next year to form a continental army, over which George Washington became commander,” (Goldman 9). He influenced others to join the colonies in the act of independence against Great Britain. A true leader does not elect himself for all opportunities but instead, sees qualities in others fit for different positions. Adams saw that George Washington would be the best commander during the army so he nominated…
1776 was written by renowned author David McCullough and retells the events of the American Revolution. The book closely follows George Washington as he commands the American army through the hardships that they faced in these times. Both Washington and his soldiers dealt with harsh conditioning which lead to low morale. This sense of overall gloom contributed to the departing of many of the soldiers in the war and some even took weapons or other trinkets of war as collateral for their time spent. Washington is seen today as a outstanding general and the main reason for the overall victory of the independence of America but at the time he was seen as unfit for such a high possession in the army that would be leading a Revolution against the British Empire.…
In 1776, he became captain of the company of artillery. General George Washington knew Hamilton’s abilities with pen and paper, so he had assigned Hamilton as his aide-de-camp. In this time, Hamilton had no role in military combat. “He [Hamilton] drafted many of Washington's letters to high-ranking Army officers, the Continental Congress, and the states. He also was sent on important military missions and drafted major reports on the reorganization and reform of the Army.”…
Washington (1732-1799) was commander-in-chief of the Continental forces during the American Revolution (1775-1783). He also served as the first President of the United States and was responsible for building much of the country's political and economic structure. Washington served two terms as president before retiring to his estate in Mount Vernon, Virginia. George Washington was born at Bridges Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732. He was the first child of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball.…
After realizing he was outgunned and out of food, Washington surrendered after only a day long siege. On July 3rd, 1754 Washington signed the surrender document, without realizing that the document also made him admit to the “assassination” of a French officer. This was used as propaganda to propel France towards war. For the rest of the war he served under Gen. Braddock, and his conduct in the conflict made him a well know and highly respected individual. This lead to him being invited to the first and second continental congresses, and being made the first president of the United…
The Battle of Bunker Hill The battle of Bunker Hill took place on june 17 1775, in Charlestown, Massachusetts. It was the second engagement between British troops and the 13 colonies. The cause of the battle was because there was a conflict between british troops and the 13 colonies. It was learned that the British were planning to send troops from Boston to invade the hills surrounding the city.…
Book Review The book “The Presidency of George Washington” by Forest McDonald mostly concentrates on presidential organizations. It talks about how the presidency of George Washington was one of the most significant events in the history of the United States of America. Also, it discusses social factions, national opinionated politics, war debt, and the regulation of the state and federal governments. McDonald, proclaims that, the office of president may have not existed today if not for Washington.…
A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution In 1784 the American revolutionary war concluded and there was economic depression. The Continental Congress was confronted with demands of repayment for wartime loans from a mass of angry individuals and negatives began to arise with the Articles of confederation. America had no way to repay its debts from war and farmers were not able to reimburse the large sum of money for the land they were given in order to provide for the other states during the war. The government was unstable as each state was watching out for its self while making existence worse for its neighboring states with tariffs and trade barriers.…
King George III and the British accumulated a massive debt after the French and Indian war. British assets were depleting at an exponential rate, so Parliament decided to tax the colonists in order to offset their expenses from the war. By reducing the debt from the seven-year war King George’s could reign over the colonies for many years to come. Consequently, Colonists in the 13 states suffered higher expenditures, even imported tea would cost more than usual. All 13 colonies gave consent on paying higher taxes to the British crown, however Boston didn’t consent because they weren’t provided representation so their response was no, but parliament subjected them anyways.…