George Washington Leadership Qualities

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What are the qualities of a good leader? Say you’re at war, the enemy troops are storming your base. A good leader would be able to rally the troops, take control of the situation and carry out the plan. Leaders lead others, it is in the name. Another good quality of a leader is to be able to be calm at any moment in time. Nobody is gonna follow a scared person who doesn’t know what to do. They have to be able to assess the problem at hand and find the best route to over take it. They have to inspire their troops and bring out the best in them. A great example of a leader would be George Washington, the first president. He was chosen to be a leader because of his character. Some call it incorruptible. When George Washington crossed the Delaware in 1776 he commanded four to six-thousand men. Many of which were unfit for duty. With an amazing amount of bravery and leadership the Americans defeated the British. George Washington wasn’t exactly smart. This just shows that it doesn’t take a genius to be a leader. …show more content…
During that time he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf. When he was released he gained popularity by promoting Pan-germanism and anti-semitism. Later on he was appointed chancellor. He didn’t lead his troops on the front line but instead inforced Leader principle. He made the decisions for the army and ended up leading them later on in the war. Towards the end of the war his leadership qualities crumbled. Instead of accepting peace negotiations he let Germany get destroyed. At the end of the war he committed suicide. He was a good leader for his troops in the beginning but towards the end his pride ended up destroying it. This shows that never giving up and continuing with your efforts will pay off, but pride can destroy

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