Gender Bias In The Fire Department: A Case Study

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At a nearby fire department, the Assistant Chief wishes to confirm that gender bias is not reflected in the promotion of respective applicant firefighters. The Assistant Chief evaluates sample data of 50 firefighters who applied for promotion (Exhibit A), as well as resulting chi-square analysis (Exhibit B). Based on this data and results, a review will be conducted to determine if gender bias has no association with promotion.
Gender bias is the unequal management in employment opportunities and anticipations due to conceits based on an employee’s or group of employees’ gender (Legal Dictionary, n.d.). Simply, gender bias is a favoritism behavior toward one gender versus another (Rothchild, n.d.). The issue with gender bias is that it
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First, the Assistant Chief should consider the overall amount of firefighters within the fire department, and how many are women. According to U.S. Fire Administration 2014 statistics, women comprised only 3.6 percent of the career firefighter population (Harrison, 2014). Second, there is the question if all firefighters are asked, or even eligible, to apply for promotion. Third, Criteria for promotion may be based on performance or seniority (Bardot, n.d.). Fourth, the Assistant Chief should consider if the promotion relates to any physical standards. Fire service physical standards are regularly based upon the strength of a man, not a women (Harrison, 2014). Lastly, the Assistant Chief should weigh their own data regarding gender, applications, and promotions (Refer to percentages in Exhibit A). The Assistant Chief should question whether all those promoted were promoted based an overall level field with the same standards and guidelines. Arguably the most important, this last consideration can be analyzed through a chi-square …show more content…
The Assistant Chief’s chi-square analysis resulted in a chi-square statistic of 3.6845 and a p value of 0.054919. Chi-square statistic is the measurement of how expectations parallel the results (Investopedia, n.d.). P value is the probability of observing a sample statistic as great as the test statistic (Stat Trek, n.d.) and compared against a significance level often set at 0.05 (Craparo, 2007). As the p value was greater than the standard significance level, the Assistant Chief can fail to reject the null

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