Futura Bar Research Paper

Decent Essays
Paragraph Intro - purpose of your bar I create this bar because I want to help the people that has affected by natural disasters. The bar that I create is going to be helping the Rescue worker that is affected by the natural disasters, because the Rescue workers need a lot more energy. The bar is going to be helpful because the Glycemic index, Carbs, and protein gives the Rescue Workers energy to work, because they are moving a lot so they need energy.The group that I am working with was Futura, and that’s also how I make the bar!

Design Overview
Design Specifications
Target Population: Rescue Worker
% of protein: 32%
% carbohydrates: 68%
Glycemic Index : 58%
Cost: $1.09
Number of people served: 9.174

Evidence and Tradeoffs
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For example it had a 68 % percent of carbohydrates, and base on the ingredient that I had 47 grams of Raisins and 48 grams of Pumpkin seeds, also 5 grams of Dark Chocolate chip, we could either switch them around or one of them need to add or decrease. For another example, the Rescue Worker need more carbs for energy need but they don't need much protein because they don’t need growth and repair, so if there is a ingredient that has more protein but less carbs, I’ll use the one that has less protein and more carbohydrates, because again they needs more energy.

2. Cost Paragraph The recipe that I choose to make my future bar was cost $1.09 each (which was the lowest ) , but one of my other recipe was 1.30 dollars, which the price is greater than the price that I choosed, and also compared to the other bar, they were likely between 1.30 to 2.00 dollars, and this bar was only 1.09 dollars. That means they have about 1.00 dollars differences. I choose this bar recipe bar for recipe and I thought people will like this because first it taste good second it gives you a lot energy to work, and third it cost cheap.
However, the futura bar will be a best choice to keep you energy, high protein, carbohydrates, and Glycemic Index, also cost low and high people served, come and buy it

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