Professor Hinson
English 1301-104
11 Oct. 2017
Ford Trucks Are Better
Trucks are a big deal in the United States. They can be seen everywhere. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Many people have their favorite brand over another. This argument essay will discuss why Ford trucks are better than the competitor. Ford is well known for their vehicles and quality. The car company was founded on June 16, 1903. Henry Ford is the founding father of the company. Dearborn, Michigan is home to the main headquarters of the motor company. The company itself, has had many achievements alongside car and truck production. The American truck market is extremely large and has a broad range in truck type. For the last 39 years, ford has claimed they are the number one full sized truck seller with over six hundred thousand trucks sold in the year of two thousand sixteen. With a new generation of heavy duty and light duty trucks coming from Ford with full redesigns, it’s clear which truck brand is better than all …show more content…
The ability to tow anything while having a comfortable ride down a rocky road is something everyone should look for in a truck. This goes especially for the consumer when they want one truck for many jobs and abilities which Ford provides. I love how Ford took the time to research and test every advancement on the new f series trucks. It does go to show that there are great trucks available for the high price. Concluding this argument, I’ll say ford is a better truck with all is newest features and options it …show more content…
Ford, 16 March. 2016. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.
Golson, Jordan. "Ford Makes Backing Up As Trailer As Easy As Turning A Knob." WEIRD.
. N.p., 21 May. 2015. Web. 10 Oct.