Fighting In The Kite Runner

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While approaching the city of Kabul, the sky seems to be filled with colorful birds. All floating around the sky, then they start dropping to the ground in a split second. As the birds slowly get closer, you notice that the colorful objects are kites flying high in the sky (Podelco, 2002). Kite Flying—also known as "gudiparan bazi"-- is an ancient tradition in Afghanistan, also a major attraction to the country. Kite fighting is a major piece of the Afghan culture, which is shown throughout how kite fighting happens in Afghanistan, and in the novel The Kite Runner.


The Taliban first came to power in 1994, when they started to take over the country of Afghanistan. During the Taliban's regime kite flying was not allowed. If you flew a kite the Taliban would beat you, break the spool, and tear up the kite (Podelco, 2002). Current
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For instance, as winter begins Amir, the main character, gets very nervous over the annual kite fighting competition. He even has a bad dream the night before about a monster at the bottom of the lake. As the kite fighting competition begins Amir has uneasy feelings, even to the point of telling his partner, Hassan, that they do not have to do this. He says that they could go back inside, and would not have to participate. Hassan talks him into competing, great for them due to the fact they are the last kite flying in the competition (Hosseini, 2003). Amir had made his father really proud at the cost of losing his best friend for the rest of his life. I think that in this book it symbolizes the hard choices you have to make in life, even if you do not know you are making a major decision. The same way with kite fighting, sometimes you make a move away from another kite, not knowing that you are moving into a another kites trap. This book shows how important kite fighting is to the Afghan culture with the importance to

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