Hosseini has constructed a tale rife with symbolism, examples of which can be observed through the light of dawn to the darkness of dusk, and even via the colour blue …show more content…
Hosseini 's exploration of Amir and Baba’s arduous relationship is centered around this kite as Amir believes it will create the connection he has longed for. Amir’s role as a flawed protagonist is solidified within this chapter, in some ways it had been alluded to previously but not to this significant degree. The core conflict of the novel is that of an internal struggle to rid oneself of guilt, the guilt that has been created through the betrayal of Hassan which is reflected upon by the narrator, Amir, who reflects on the strife he felt at the time, and how he attempted to avoid the feeling by avoiding eye contact and then later any kind of association. Hassan on the other hand has his positive characteristics exemplified in this chapter, primarily that of his unyielding loyalty, which makes his suffering even more tragic when compared to Amir. Hassan eases Amir’s worries assuring him that there is no monster to be afraid of, only a beautiful day of kite fighting showing just how well he understands Amir. This is also the chronological first appearance of the line ‘for you a thousand times over’ which becomes a recurring symbol of both Hassan’s loyalty and of the guilt Amir feels from his betrayal as …show more content…
At one point or another, all people betray the trust of a friend, sometimes these breaches of trust can be forgiven or other times they cannot be forgive. The ramifications that betrayal can have on a friendship is something that I am familiar with although not to the same degree featured in the novel. In addition, guilt is an emotion that typically follows a betrayal such as this and this feeling can serves as one’s motivation to repair a broken bond much like in the story. Finally, one can definitely notice the significant focus Hosseini places upon the nature of Afghanistan and how characters are constructed to care about it which is a notion is common, and one which I can personally connect with my feelings towards