Kite Runner Adversity

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The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, is a story about two boys who grow up together and the life-altering challenges they face. While many believe this is a heartbreaking story about facing adversity, there are underlying parallels betwixt characters and scenes displayed in the novel and current events happening in Afghanistan. The scene in chapter 16 when Sanabaur comes back to Hassan, beaten and scarred deliniates what the Taliban took away from the women of Afghanistan during that time period.
Because Sanabaur came back to Hassan with scars and cuts littering her face, it takes away all of the power she previously had. She had many of her rights taken away by the Taliban, further emphasizing the importance of her beauty that she no longer possessed.
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In chapter 16, the reader sees what Sanabaur does once shes back living with Hassan, and it shows what life was like for women in Afghanistan. Sanabaur “sewed clothes for him, [and] built him toys out of scrap of wood, rags, and dried grass,” (211) showing the reader what a woman's job was at this time. A women in Afghanistan was supposed to watch over the children and care for them which is exactly what Sanabaur does for Sorab. Likewise, in Afghanistan, many women were lacking their basic human rights and were left with no future. There was an insurmountable amount of rights taken away from women, however, the most notable were bans on education and studying, working, leaving the house without a male, involvement in politics and free speech, health care, and even showing their skin in public. ("Women in Afghanistan: the back story", 2013) Without being able to do any of this, women were only supposed to tend to their homes and children. Limiting the freedoms of the women is what empowered the Taliban even more, eliminating all power and freedom from approximately half the

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