This disaster was a direct result of the vessel striking the Bligh Reef off the coast of Alaska. The shipping vessel spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean (Atlas, 2011). The amount of crude oil that was spilled into the ocean affected the ecosystem and the animals that live within that system. Protecting the shorelines from the heavy crude oil from the leaking vessel was a major responsibility of the clean-up. The clean-up process was a very difficult one during this time due to the cold weather and the heaviness of the crude oil, dispersants were not used due to the State of Alaska concerns in the use (Atlas, 2011). The physiological effects from the oil spill has affected many Alaskans and the wildlife in and around the incident of the original accident. The clean-up efforts have taken years and years to fully clear the site from the initial leak, but this still does not account for the 11,000 square miles of ocean water that was effected by the heavy crude oil (Atlas, 2011). Deliberate human-made disasters are a huge issue today. Man-made disasters such as the attacks of 9/11, Pentagon, Sandy Hook Shooting, and the Dallas Police Shootings. These are becoming more and more frequent and are affecting large numbers of people in the United States. The Virginia Tech Shooting is the largest mass shooting in history of the United States. That windy cold day on April 16, 2007 will always be cemented into history. The Virginia Tech Shooting can relate to an earlier school shooting that took place in 1999 at Columbine High School in Colorado. The shooter at Virginia Tech, had many bouts with mental unstableness and the possibility of suicide. Kamien (2012), stated that “Seung Cho murdered 32 students and injured an additional 17” (p. 202). The psychological aspects and ramifications from this disaster has been quite catastrophic in nature. J. S. Hong (2010), describes the “Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model is ideal in integrating segmented parts into understandable pieces and allows for a more complete analysis of social=environmental factors that impact human behavior—in this case, violence” (p. 562). The model will work on individual characteristics of school shooters and help with profiling these individuals with the help of the FBI and the U.S. …show more content…
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Hong, J., Cho, H. and Lee, A. S. (2010). Revisiting the Virginia Tech Shootings: An Ecological Systems Analysis, Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15: 6, 561-575. Retrieved from:
Rubin, C. B. (Ed.). (2012). Emergency management: The American experience 1900-2010 (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
United States Geological Survey (2016). Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, and Earth Structure. Retrieved from