For example, oil production businesses located throughout the world allow us to utilize this natural resource for many different things such as transportation, heating, the making of plastics as well as asphalt, etc. The companies that drill for this oil also contribute by creating jobs and allowing more people to provide for themselves. This helps our economy as well as our communities by lowering the …show more content…
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, there are over 14,000 oil spills reported each year. Oil spills happen when there are accidents involving tankers, pipelines, drilling rigs and other oil production and storage equipment. Many of these accidents are usually caused by the carelessness of the people in charge. An example of this would be when, in 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Macando drilling platform, sparked the largest marine oil spill in United States history. It released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This explosion occurred because of a design flaw in the building of the well. Oil spills have a massive effect on the ecosystem, killing not only the aquatic organisms, but the birds and other mammals that depend on the water for their survival. Oil spills can cost an extremely large amount of money to clean and require many volunteers to devote their time to aid in the relief. Another example of the negative effect of oil would be the fluctuating market and the price of each barrel. Every few years the oil industry will take a big hit which costs many people their jobs and wellbeing. It forces many to look for other low ranking, and lower paying jobs which affect the quality of life for those …show more content…
Outsourcing is “The process of obtaining goods or services from outside suppliers or to contract work out instead of getting it done by its own employees.” An example of outsourcing would be how the tech company Apple’s products are designed in California, but assembled in China. Apple does this for a few reasons, one being the lower minimum wages. A common wage for the some 250,000 workers presently working in a single factory for the company Foxconn,( which is a company commonly used by many other businesses in the assembly of products) is around $17.00 US. Another advantage of having over a quarter million workers at your disposal is the ability to produce goods at a very fast pace. A positive effect outsourcing has, in accordance to sustainable prosperity, would be the obvious lower price of goods for consumers. Also, many jobs are created because of outsourcing, which helps economies overseas as well as their populations. Many potential workers would be jobless without outsourcing and because of it, the prosperity for all these workers is something made possible. A potential downfall for this form of globalization is the inevitable exploitation of these foreign workers, being paid low wages and not receiving the benefits that they should be entitled to. It also takes away thousands of jobs that could be filled in the home countries of these