Because of the one-day-per-week schedule, no one should ever miss over two (2) days during the course of the semester; otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain a passing grade. After two absences (whether those absences were excused or not), a student will receive no credit for work missed because of unexcused absences. With excused absences, you may make up quizzes and papers. For every absence over the allowed two (2), the student’s participation grade will be deducted 5 points (out of 100).
Understand what an excused absence is. You will be excused if you are on university business, have a military obligation, or have emergency medical documentation for the day in question. I do not excuse absences for nonemergency …show more content…
Your participation grade will suffer for unauthorized use of electronic devices.
Use of any electronic device (cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc.) by students in the instructional environment is prohibited unless explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by the instructor of record or by the
Office of Disability Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cell phones and other communication devices may be used for emergencies, but sending or receiving non-emergency messages during a class meeting is forbidden by the University. Use of a communication device to violate the Troy University “Standards of
Conduct” will result in appropriate disciplinary action (See pp. 42-52 of the Oracle.)
In order to receive emergency messages from the University or family members, devices must be in a vibration, or other unobtrusive mode. Students receiving calls that they believe to be emergency calls must answer quietly without disturbing the teaching environment. If the call is an emergency, they must move unobtrusively and quietly from the instructional area and notify the instructor as soon as reasonably possible. Students who